Aug 17, 2022Liked by Jane Roper

It's always b or c, unless I include a picture. Online shopping w/pick-up by spouse FTW!

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OK, I got all As, except for the bonus, always forget the damn bags, but I'm saving the paper ones to create a sculpture of Margaret Thatcher, which I shall then burn (environmentally safely). Not fair actually, as I live alone, except when I have my son and he's off to Berklee in a couple weeks, so he doesn't count. So for the most part my grocery shopping is the phone: 'Hello, I'd like a tremendously healthy yet low cal order of..." But if I had to grocery shop, I'd obviously be good at it, what with all my As. (No, I wouldn't)

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Aug 16, 2022Liked by Jane Roper

Oh.. this is why I don't send him to the store. Once, he called me every 3 minutes to discuss

the next item on the list. I had to say "I sent you because I'm busy. Just. Do. Your. Best."

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Yes. A thousand times yes.

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Aug 16, 2022Liked by Jane Roper

Spot on, as usual!

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You have out-McSweeney-ed McSweeney's! (And I say that as supreme praise.)

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THIS IS MY LIFE!!! How did you know? 😂

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As a very nice husband myself, I can relate to this a bit too much ("but like what KIND of horseradish?!?!") as well as this from SNL: https://youtu.be/VhGTtWsW9F8

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"Instead of 2 shallots, he buys 2 five-pound bags of onions!" HAHAHAHAH

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"So Helpful!!"

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